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There are a variety of ways in which you can make a donation to support our work.

In India today 7,80,00,000 people are suffering from diabetes and most disturbing trend is the shift in age of onset of diabetes to a younger age. In year 2014, alone 50,00,000 people died due to diabetes across world and in India alone 10,00,000. As per recent statistical data, every person out of 12 is suffering from diabetes. Diabetes affect people of all ages, all regions and all religions. Worst part is its treatment is expensive to be afforded by poor people.

Herein, we seek out to you for your kind support to enable us to reach people who cannot afford You can make donations via various mediums. Our organisation is run by kind hearted people like you and entirely dependent on the voluntary contributions made..

Note:All Donation are exempt under section 80(G) 5(Vi) of the Income Tax Act1961ยท Rural India Development Society also registered under section 12A of the income tax Act 1961granted by the Director of Income Tax (Exemptions), Varanasi Uttar Pradesh.